More about Sound Wisdom
A Multi-Faceted Experience
The aims of the Naked Voice practices, are to unify the realms of instinct (ego), intuition (soul) and insight (spirit); and to restore the transforming power of human communication, sourced from Sound Wisdom. Originating from Chloe’s travels in sacred indigenous cultures worldwide – the Naked Voice practices are simple, accessible, supportive, playful, safe and sound. They also strengthen a life-changing process of self-inquiry, and reflection inspired by your unique voice. “How do you feel, and how does that sound?” is a question that enables all and anyone to respond, within and beyond words. Other questions such as, “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?”, “What is mine to express?” focus the mind on the present moment, dissolving self-consciousness & inhibiting personal narratives.
The Naked Voice invites you into a multi-faceted experience, inspired by the sacred geometries of sound, musical intervals and vocal templates, sound codes, musical modes and energy movement practices that revitalize your true voice for full-spectrum communication.
The Vocal Practices
The Naked Voice teachings are rooted in the practice of non-judgemental listening. They include ancient and contemporary recitation, mantras, devotional chant, love songs, prayer, poetry (spoken song), sound energy movement, improvisation and spontaneous utterance, sonic modes, chakra sounds, the Seven Sounds of Love, Octave of Consciousness. The vocal practices take place in pairs, triads and the group as a whole. A direct experience of unconditional loving presence evolves as you learn to let go, release inhibition, shame and blame, instilling self-worth, forgiveness and gratitude. Your healing voice has the power to dissolve isolation, to transform conflict, to harmonise cultural difference, ignite compassion, and to restore coherence personally and collectively. Loving presence plays an essential role throughout the retreat.
As friendships strengthen throughout the retreat, you find yourself diving deeper into the secret depths and songlines of your soul, and your own sound wisdom. Your authentic voice is your most intimate friend. It is the mouthpiece of your soul’s deepest longing to return Home to the source of your true Self.
"Sound is the ground of consciousness. Silence brings the grace between words, utterance, poetry and song that liberates the Soul to sing freely once again within the singing field of its own Living Presence." – Chloe Goodchild
Chloë Goodchild is founder of The Naked Voice, a pioneering vocal training, founded in 1990, exploring voice as a spiritual practice, sustained by conscious core practices, devotional music, and audio-books that empower you to embody and express your authentic voice. Chloe’s seminal book, The Naked Voice – Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound (North Atlantic Books, 2015) provides a comprehensive & instructional account of the essential Naked Voice wisdom of sound. Chloe is a faculty member and author for The Shift Network and Sounds True.