Our Tutors
Margarita O. Zethelius
Margarita O. Zethelius is an activist for life. She works to create places, programs and life change experiences that bring together care for Mother Earth and the wellbeing for humans. Biologist with MSc in Conservation and Rural Development. For the last 25 years she has been involved in the development of several alternative programs, including ecotourism, environmental education projects, creation of new private reserves, ecovillages, networking and educational strategies developed by local communities in the face of Climate Change and highly violent environments.
She has served on the boards of directors of the Global Network of Ecovillages GEN, the Council for Sustainable Settlements of America Latina CASA and GAIA Education. Organizations supporting the design and implementation of sustainable community development initiatives. Founder and co director of Falun Natural Reserve in the Andean region, the UBUNTU Center for Experimentation and Training in Regeneration in the Rosario Islands, and the organization Alianzas para la Abundancia, in Colombia. Currently she is one of the representatives of CASA Latina in the Global Ecovillage Network GEN.