Our Tutors
Eric Walters
I am a new entrant farmer on 100 acres in Stroud. We are a mixed farm aiming to demonstrate that small-scale regenerative farming can be viable. We have a market garden, beef cows, a tree nursery and agroforestry.
The links between land, food and community are as important, and neglected, as they have ever been. Developing more resilient connections helps us be appreciate the hard work that goes into growing food and that treating the land well results in healthier, tastier food that is available to the local community.
Every day at Good Small Farms is an excellent combination of physical, mental and emotional challenge that ranges from setting up the next paddocks for the cows, developing financial projections for the business and fully appreciating the term ‘delayed gratification’ when planting oaks and (Dutch elm disease resistant) elms that are mere whips!